Key steps before starting game development

    Game development can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but before you dive into the fascinating world of game creation, it is crucial to establish a solid foundation. In this guide, I will introduce you to the key steps you can take before you start developing your own game. From initial planning to research and strategic decision making, each step plays a critical role in the success of your project. By dedicating time and effort to these preliminary stages, you will be prepared to face the challenges involved in creating a game and maximize your chances of achieving an exceptional final product.

Table of content

Game Pitch

    A game pitch is a concise and compelling summary that captures the essence and unique proposition of a game. Simply put, it is a presentation that seeks to attract the attention of investors, publishers or potential audience. The pitch summary should include key elements, such as the game's genre, story, game mechanics, highlights and features that differentiate it from other existing games on the market.

    The pitch summary should be brief, clear and exciting to quickly capture the audience's interest and highlight the most appealing aspects of the game. It is important to convey the vision and excitement that the game evokes, as well as to highlight the elements that make it unique and appealing to the target audience.

    A good pitch summary should arouse interest and generate curiosity in the audience, leaving a lasting impression and motivating the recipients to want to know more details about the game.

    The pitch also helps you not to deviate too much from the idea as this document provides you with a clear focus and target audience you want to address with your idea of the world you want to present to them.

Art document

    For a video game, it is a comprehensive and detailed document that compiles and defines the artistic and aesthetic vision of the game. It is also known as the "art bible". This bible is a fundamental guide for the artists and designers involved in the development of the game, and provides a centralized reference for the visual style, atmosphere and overall artistic direction of the project.

    In the art document, elements such as character concepts, environments, objects, visual effects and any other visual aspects relevant to the game are included. It may contain sketches, illustrations, reference images, color descriptions, palettes and other technical details that help convey the desired aesthetic. In addition, it may also address technical considerations, such as platform limitations or specific design guidelines.

    This art document serves as a key reference resource for the development team, as it sets visual standards and ensures artistic consistency throughout the game. It helps artists understand the vision for the game and work together in a coordinated manner to achieve a visually cohesive and engaging experience. The art bible can also be shared with the design team, developers and other team members to ensure everyone is aligned on the artistic direction of the game.


You can find the PDF at the following address, at the same time the images were extracted from that address:

Narrative document

    This document is known as "Narrative Bible" and this document is not the script of the game, this document includes all the narrative elements of the game and inside it includes the scripts of the game, these elements can be:
  • Weapons
  • Potions
  • Accessories
  • Characters
  • Scripts
    Each of the aforementioned elements must have a description of all its established characteristics, it is important to mention that the person in charge of this document is the Narrative Designer, the scriptwriter must respond to the narrative designer. Usually they are almost always spreadsheet files or documents with rich text to give more information about the artifacts, among others.

Game design document

    This can be your role, since this document describes mechanically the whole game, the gameplay and everything that can affect the different systems of your game. The person in charge of this document is the Designer of the game, and he is responsible for all the systems that exist in the game and all the mechanics, he also defines the economy of the game, if your economy is dynamic he will define the different equations that can affect that market, if it is a closed market, he will define the limits of it, some common elements of this document could be:
  • Summary: A general description of the game, including the genre, the central premise and the experience you are looking to offer the player.
  • Game mechanics: A detailed explanation of the rules, systems and mechanics that players will use to interact with the game. This includes controls, movements, skills, combat, user interface, among others.
  • Narrative and characters: A description of the game's story, including backstory, main and supporting characters, character arcs and key events. It may also include dialogue and event sequences.
  • Level and environment design: A description of the game's levels, areas or environments, including their structure, obstacles, puzzles, enemies and interactive elements. This may include sketches, maps and diagrams to visualize the level design.
  • Art and visual style: A description of the art direction and visual style of the game, including character concepts, environments, visual effects, animations and general aesthetics.
  • Sound and music: A description of the sound effects, music and sound ambience that will be used in the game to create the appropriate atmosphere.
  • Game progress and structure: An explanation of how players will progress through the game, including levels, unlockables, character progression and any other reward or achievement structures.
  • Technical requirements: A list of the technical and platform requirements for the game, including game engines used, target hardware capabilities, and any important technical limitations to consider.
  • Flowcharts of levels, mechanics, object behavior, NPCs, etc.
    The game design document is a living document that evolves throughout the development of the game as adjustments and changes are made. However, its purpose is to provide a solid and consistent overview of the game, ensuring that all team members are aligned and working in the same direction.


    Documentation in game development is essential to establish a clear and consistent vision, as well as to ensure quality and cohesion in all aspects of the game. Key documents, such as the game pitch, art document, narrative document and game design document, provide fundamental guidelines and enable efficient and effective communication between team members. These documents are essential to keep everyone involved on the same path and working towards a successful game.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey through the exciting world of game development. We hope you have found inspiration and valuable knowledge to bring your own creations to life. Remember that every step you take in documenting and planning your game is a step towards success - don't hesitate to explore new ideas and challenge the limits of creativity! We look forward to seeing your projects shine and become unforgettable experiences for players - see you next time, and may your games be epic!


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